
A few years back and after a lot of Internet research, I installed a bank of 
flooded Trojan T-105 6V golf-cart batteries. A little pricey to be sure, but 
they have been amazing. 

Every few months, you do need to add distilled water. 

We have not lost power yet :-) — 

All the best,


Edd M. Schillay
Starship Enterprise
C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
City Island, NY 
Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <>

> On Apr 4, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> I would suggest thinking very hard if you need AGMs. They are more expensive 
> and require much better management and maintenance (i.e. quite specific 
> charging regime). In normal use, they won’t last longer, either.
> If you are forced to have a battery in the enclosed compartment (in your 
> cabin), you may consider a gel battery - non-spillable and virtually, no 
> off-gassing. From what I understand, they are less sensitive to variations in 
> charging voltage (you can use a standard charger).
> Many people had decent results with standard wet lead-acid deep cycle 
> batteries from Costco. Since you are in Toronto, personally, I would stay 
> far, far away from Canadian Tire.
> Others would probably chime in on various brands that do (or don’t) work on 
> their boats.
> Marek
> 1994 C270 Legato
> Ottawa, ON
> From: CnC-List < 
> <>> On Behalf Of Glen Eddie via CnC-List
> Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 12:04
> To: <>
> Cc: Glen Eddie < <>>
> Subject: Stus-List Marine Batteries
> Hello everyone,
> I need to replace my house battery and my engine battery (atomic 4).  I also 
> have a dedicated battery for my Windless (don’t ask).
> Any suggestions.  I currently have 31 AGMs. 
> Thanks everyone. 
> Glen Eddie
> Tel:  416-777-5357
> Fax:  1-888-812-2557
> <>
> VCard 
> <>
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