My Martec runs very smoothly with a couple small harmonics at different
rpm's.  That's normal for nearly all drive trains.

Forward power is good.  I think my prop is a wee bit underpitched.  I can
get hull speed with a clean bottom and max rpm but only 6.4-6.5 at cruise
rpm (80% max).

I really haven't had any issue with opening, closing, etc.  I think the
Martec is a good choice for folks who race and want minimal drag.  If my
use was only cruising, I'd probably have a different prop.

Dennis C.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:27 PM, Bruce via CnC-List <>

> Well, thankfully (or not) I found the pin, which is a good thing, except
> that it was clearly broken during the removal process.  At least I have
> something to measure.  The pin is really pretty tight in one blade, but a
> little sloppy on the other, so yes, it will need to be refurbished.
> Interestingly, I can get to my prop shaft very easily by removing an
> inspection panel in the cabin sole, so aligning the prop  will be no big
> deal at all.
> How do you feel about vibration (presumably the refurbishment would take
> care of a lot of the potential problems) and forward power?
> Kindest Regards,
> Bruce C. Whitmore
> 1994 C&C 37/40+, “Astralis”
> Madeira Beach, FL
> 847.404.5092 <(847)%20404-5092>
> *From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *Dennis
> C. via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 15, 2018 9:02 PM
> *To:* CnClist <>
> *Cc:* Dennis C. <>
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Help with folding prop insights?
> Bruce,
> You're not going to get a lot of positive comments about Martec props on
> this list.  You'll get a lot of suggestions about this prop and that prop.
> Having said that, I have a Martec Elliptical on Touche'.  While it might
> not be everyone's favorite, I don't have any problems with it.  Sure, I
> have to drop down into a cockpit locker to align it before a race or a long
> sail but that's the nature of non-geared folding props.
> As for rev erse, I back into my home slip without any issue at all.  Just
> need a bit of practice and anticipation and you'll be good to go (or back
> up).
> I've dealt with Martec a couple times and found them to be fairly
> responsive.  They should be able to send you whatever parts you need.
> One thing to be aware of with Martec props.  They have 3 "lives".  With
> use, the pin holes in the blades will begin to wallow out and the blades
> will start to become loose on the pin.  The fix is to return the prop to
> Martec where they will, for a price, recondition it.  Part of the
> reconditioning process is to re-bore the hub and blades for a larger pin.
> You can only do this twice.  Hence the 3 lives, the original life plus 2
> rebuilds.
> So, before you send the prop to Martec for reconditioning, measure the pin
> diameter and call them to see how many lives it has left.
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 7:28 PM, Bruce via CnC-List <>
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a fixed, 3 bladed prop on Astralis currently, and suspect that its
> slowing us down here in Florida where we just don’t get the wind like we
> did on Lake Michigan, so we rarely see much over 12 kts or so.  I’m
> thinking I’d like to get a little more speed out of her, and one area of
> improvement could be the fixed prop.
> In the pile of old parts that the prior owner left us, I found an old, and
> obviously used Martec Eliptec RH18DX12P-3, two blade folding prop (it is
> not geared).  I have the blades and hub, but at the moment cannot find the
> center pin.  It seems like Martec may still be in the business of repairing
> these props.
> I’ve read some of the various reviews, and I understand there are better
> solutions out there, but clearly I’d be dropping a few boat bucks to pull
> it off.
> Do any of you have direct experience with the Martec Eliptec, and can
> advise me whether I’ll hate this thing from a performance or vibration
> point of view if I get a pin and put it on the boat?
> I am OK with somewhat limited reverse, but would be anxious if I was
> giving up a lot of forward power.  And, I really don’t want a lot of
> vibration, especially if it’s going to do things like tear up the cutlass
> bearing.
> Thanks for your insights!
> Bruce C. Whitmore
> 1994 C&C 37/40+, “Astralis”
> Madeira Beach, FL
> 847.404.5092 <(847)%20404-5092>
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