I have a very old orange and black Zodiac that is still in good shape, but 
when I bought it there were no oarlocks. There are a couple of mounting "ears" 
made of the same fabric as the boat, but I have not been able to find oarlocks 
that match that style of mounting anywhere online. The fabric pieces are 10 by 
4.5 inches with well rounded corners. not really an oval, more like a rectangle 
with rounded ends. A longitudinal section 1.5 inches wide down the centre is 
glued to the tube, inline with the tubes, leaving an "ear" about 9 inches long 
and an inch and a quarter or so wide down each side. There are a couple of very 
small holes, but that is it for clues. I have not even been able to find an 
image of something with that sort of mount. 

Anyone know what sort of oarlock would have been mounted on these?

Steve Thomas
Merritt Island, FL


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