Hi Steve,

I've asked my local boat yard for a quote and will let you know when I hear
back from them. The tank on my boat is a Kracor model 1-5087, 19 gallons,
as indicated on the label on one of the tanks. Both appear to be identical.
The label on the second tank is unreadable.

Tim Rutherford
813 748 4888 cel/text

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 11:48 AM, Steve Thomas via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> Same problem on my 36. Many leaking cracks. No reason to believe that
> welding them would not just result in new ones. Probably will try it
> anyway, but no confidence long term. Low molecular weight polyethylene.
> Space is narrow, long, and triangular.
> Not found a bladder tank that would be a good fit. Seems to me that an
> over large tank folded into the space would be a recipe for failure due to
> abrasion.
> Did Kracor give any guidance on their price?
> Steve Thomas
> C&C36
> Merritt Island, Fl
> ---- Tim Rutherford via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Both 19 gallon tanks, port and starboard, are leaking in multiple
> locations. They are vee-bottom four sided tanks with recesses in the top
> where stiffeners under the cover plate fit. I tried plastic welding but the
> results were questionable in terms of reliability.
> The manufacturer, Kracor, says new ones can be made to order in 3-4 weeks
> if I contact a local boat yard to place the order. This sounds expensive
> and cumbersome.
> What are my other options? Is it easy to contact a local tank company and
> have a tank copied at a competitive cost and reasonable lead-time?
> --
> Tim Rutherford
> Chamamé
> C&C 36' - #244
> tim.rutherford.m...@gmail.com
> 813 748 4888 cel/text
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