Wow!  Congratulations Andy!  Obviously the price and condition were the right 
combination fur a quick sale! 

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------From: Andrew Burton via CnC-List 
<> Date: 12/23/17  3:26 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Andrew Burton <> Subject: 
Stus-List C&C 40 Peregrine Sold 
Just wanted to let everyone know that we are going to survey next week and all 
going according to plan, Peregrine is going to a lucky new owner. 
The first of no doubt many tears have been shed, but the excitement of having 
the new boat is helping ease the pain. 
The new boat is a Baltic 47 built in 1995.


Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI 
USA    02840
+401 965-5260

Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --


Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --

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