Great analysis of the forces on the various stays Chuck. 

When I ordered my C&C I liked the idea of so many ways  to adjust my mast 
feeling it would be 'fast'. In practice not so much--getting a 155 around the 
baby stay chewed up the sail and was slow--not to mention temporarily removing 
the baby stay when going downwind with a kite. 

Although my mast is 'bendy'--definitely not an aluminum telephone pole, when my 
sailmaker(who in a former life crewed on an Americas Cup boat ) suggested that 
with spreaders that are perpendicular to the centerline (not swept aft) I could 
remove it, I agreed and took it off. Since my mast remains 'bendy', I did not 
remove the check stays which I rely on, with the adjustable back stay, to 
stabilize the mast fore and aft against 'pumping' in that plane.
I am not an expert, naval architect, etc. and I think Rob Ball designed very 
fast boats, including the 37/40 and it's down-sized cousin, the 36 XR/XL/+ 
series of the early 90s.

However, I also think that the baby stay and check stays may have been kept on 
the 36 XL (and maybe the 36+) as a marketing tool to entice novices like myself 
to believe that with all those stays, the boat should be faster than it's 
similarly sized racer/cruiser competitors of the time such as the Sabre 36-2 
and others. 

In fact it probably is faster than those boats-- mine certainly is even without 
the baby stay.

In any case, for the way and where I use my boat, any speed increase provided 
by the baby stay, even with a main designed for using a baby stay, is 
relatively marginal compared to the hassle of using it.

My that's my story and I'm sticking to it--FWIW!!

Charlie Nelson
Water Phantom 
1995 C&C 36XL/kcb

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 1, 2017, at 5:13 PM, Chuck S via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> I'll bite since I have owned a 34R now for 15 years with runners and 
> checkstays. They are a PITA. So is a Baby Stay and that's why you won't find 
> them on modern designs. Baby Stays went out of vogue in the 80's with most 
> designers except C&C who kept them longer than anyone else. To be honest, I 
> bought my boat because it had runners and checkstays and I wanted to learn 
> all I could about making a sailboat go fast. I don't regret it. 
> Runners and Checkstays make a difference but I wouldn't add them to an 
> existing design. They complicate the mast with so many anchor points and the 
> deck too, requiring another set of winches or heavy duty purchases. Research 
> has shown me that the forces on the runner block and deck anchor point are 
> close to the breaking strength of the backstay. This requires large expensive 
> blocks and beefy anchor points on deck w heavy backing plates to spread the 
> loads properly. 
> Harken has some great spreadsheets on this but if memory serves, my "end of 
> boom" mainsheet load is around 600# max. I have a 5:1 course with a 20:1 fine 
> tune. The halyards are 1500# max. The genoa sheet is about the same1500 to 
> 2000#. The #3 jib sheet in 40 knots of wind is 3000# plus. While the runner 
> is closer to 10000#. 
> BTW, the highest load for running gear for a typical sloop is the #3 jib 
> sheet in high winds. The highest load for a sailboat with a bowsprit will be 
> the bobstay, which is many times higher than the backstay. It's all physics.
>> On November 1, 2017 at 3:34 PM jacob fuerst via CnC-List 
>> <> wrote:
>> Furthering the baby stay thread, has anyone considered replacing the baby 
>> stay with check stays? Still controls the mast pump, more versatile, 
>> adjustable from the cockpit, and it gets the baby stay out of they way. I 
>> could be way off base here. Thoughts?
>> Jacob Fuerst
>> 303-520-4669
>> Ventura, CA
>> '78 C&C 36
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> The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
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The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
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