got your message and his two replies with addresses.


On Sun, 10/22/17, Stu via CnC-List <> wrote:

 Subject: Stus-List My email to Rod
 Cc: "Stu" <>
 Date: Sunday, October 22, 2017, 5:10 PM
 Yes I sent an email to the list specifically
 for Rod.  His email address
 got bounced when I tried an personal
 email.  So I thought I would try it
 this way.
 Sorry if you thought we gybed and were
 going the wrong way.
 The bills have started coming in for
 the year 2018 and have gone up again.  October will be
 our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a
 small contribution to help keep this list running.  Use
 PayPal to send contribution --
 All contributions are greatly


The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
October will be our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a small 
contribution to help keep this list running.  Use PayPal to send contribution 

All contributions are greatly appreciated!

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