There is no such thing as "too strong".  The only downside is availability,
availability of repair parts, difficulty of repair (particularly underway
or in foreign ports), inability to inspect or predict failure, special
(expensive) tension gauge, and added cost.  The upsides include reduced
windage, less weight, less weight aloft, less stretch.

If by "too strong" you mean that the rig would pull the chain plates out or
stretch them or break them before the rig breaks then yes, while it is
extremely unlikely with any type of rig it would be "more possible" with
rod rigging.  It would require gross incompetence on the part of the person
doing the adjustments.  The typical guidance is that the shrouds should go
slightly slack on a broad reach in 20 kts winds.  My experience is that the
appropriate tension (~10% of break strength) will likely require a
considerable amount of effort even with tools and will make you
uncomfortable if not equipped with the proper tension gauge.

Get me back if you have any other questions.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017, 8:30 PM Glen Eddie via CnC-List <>

> I am sure this issue has been discussed ad nauseum, but does anyone know
> whether Rod Rigging for a C&C35 MK I has any downside. Specifically will it
> be too strong for the chain plates.
> Regards
> Freya IV
> ------------------------------
> Glen Eddie
> Tel: 416-777-5357
> Fax: 1-888-812-2557
> VCard <>
> Torkin Manes LLP
> Barristers & Solicitors
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The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
October will be our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a small 
contribution to help keep this list running.  Use PayPal to send contribution 

All contributions are greatly appreciated!

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