I did the same thing as Tom, and I used these:  

Overall I'm happy, they were rated for somewhat more lumens, and I used 2 in 
each of the fixtures.  In a perfect world, I might have even added a 3rd per 
fixture, but with the other lights being replaced with LEDs, this works fine.
Hope this helps, 
 Bruce Whitmore

(847) 404-5092 (mobile)

      From: Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
 To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: Tom Buscaglia <t...@sv-alera.com>
 Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 12:30 PM
 Subject: Stus-List LED Interior Flourescent replacements
I didn’t use replacement tube because the old fluorescent fixtures were going 
off rather than the bulbs.  The fixtures were all behind a translucent panels. 
So, I pulled out the old fixtures and hard wired  LED strip lights.  I used two 
in each location, that are chain wired with a jumper. Cleaned the surface and 
used double sided tape.  Works great.  
I also replaced all of the bayonet bulbs with LED replacements.
Tom B
Tom BuscagliaS/V Alera 1990 C&C 37+/40Vashon WAP 206.463.9200C 305.409.3660

Message: 1
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2017 15:35:41 +0000
From: kelly petew <kellype...@msn.com>
To: cnc-list <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Stus-List LED Interior Flourescent replacements
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Anyone have any experiences to share with replacing your original fluorescents 
with LEDs?

Is it simply 'plug & play', i.e., old tube out, new LED tube into the existing 


Pete W.

Siren Song

'91 C&C 30-2

Deltaville, Va.


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The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
October will be our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a small 
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