I did quite a bit of research on dehumidifiers after buying my boat.  The
surveyor said I needed a dehumidifier with a heating coil.  My research led
me to believe that desiccant dehumidifiers were best.  I ended up going
with this one: http://a.co/bqzR9jp  It's not too big and sits on the galley
counter and drains into the galley sink.  It works well and I'm really
happy. I also run a small heater and fan.
Recently, I also bought a temp and humidity logger gadget for tracking such
data when I'm not at the boat. (I'm a sucker for gadgets...)  When I'm
cruising the same gadget will go in the ice box to tell me the temp there.


 C&C 34-1 #041
  Vancouver BC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Hoyt, Mike" <mike.h...@impgroup.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 12:23:17 +0000
Subject: Re: Stus-List update on 1987 c&c mkii - now dehumidifiers


I have an Eva Dry mini dehumidifier on Persistence which is on all season
long.  It is extremely small and lightweight and does not use a dehumidifier.
I leave on the counter in the galley when at dock and simply put it in the
sink while sailing.  It is rated at 1 cup water removal per day and seems
to work reasonably well.  Once upon a time we used to lug a full sized home
dehumidifier on and off our previous boat every time we went sailing.  That
was not fun.  The Eva Dry was a nice compromise.

Link here at the store where I bought it:


Hope this is of some interest and use



Halifax, NS


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