So I have been volunteering at the Marion-Bermuda Race for the past 10 years or 
so and the booth that is located right across from ours is Garhauer.  I would 
see folks manning the booth but was usually too busy to think much more of it 
as we were busy fielding our own visitors.

Well this past Sunday I find myself talking with a gentleman at our booth that 
was from Garhauer and it was Guido!  We had a nice conversation about how the 
company started and I thought you might appreciate the great story he conveyed.

They started the company in 1971 and the name Garhauer is a compilation of the 
first half of Guido’s last name and the last half of Bill’s (the other founder) 
last name.
Bill was in tooling and Guido in engineering at another non-marine company when 
they started talking about starting their own company.  Not knowing what 
product line to manufacture they started to look around at opportunities.  Bill 
owned a sailboat and they looked critically at its hardware and the market.

So…they amble over to MacGregor yachts and in the middle of a parking lot full 
of boats on trailers they were approached by a gentleman who asked if they 
needed help.  They asked to speak with Roger MacGregor.  Well that gentleman 
was Roger MacGregor!   After talking about why they were there, Roger invited 
them back to his office.

Roger showed them the mast cradle used when the mast was stepped for trailering 
(it was inserted into the gudgeons) and asked them for an estimate.  They gave 
him one on the spot and Roger ordered 200 units right there.   That started 
them on their path to become a vendor of most of the boat manufactures in the 
Costa Mesa area for years to come.

Whereas in the past manufacturers was their primary customer and the retail 
customer a small piece.  Presently the inverse, not surprisingly, is now true.

Guido is a very nice man and I was sure to enthusiastically convey all your C & 
C accolades of his great customer service and products.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone

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