Ok guys here's a compilation of all the survey responses. Drive radius map <https://www.freemaptools.com/radius-around-point.htm?mt=r&r1=77.91566898632584|166.2890625|1000|00FF00|1|FFFFFF&r2=38.324420427006544|-76.45583152770996|1000|00FF00|1|FFFFFF&r3=38.326036454199986|-76.45600318908691|38.37921414893266|00FF00|1|FFFFFF&r4=38.3184577|-76.45411860000002|482.8032001844076|0|1|FFFFFF&r5=38.3184577|-76.45411860000002|482.8032001844076|0|1|FF0000&r6=38.3184577|-76.45411860000002|482.8032001844076|0|2|FF0000&r7=40.8468202|-73.78749829999998|402.336000153673|0|2|FF0000&r8=35.612661|-77.36635380000001|482.8032001844076|0|2|FF0000&r9=38.9784453|-76.49218289999999|64.37376002458768|0|2|FF0000&r10=32.0835407|-81.09983419999998|482.8032001844076|0|2|FF0000&r11=38.3184577|-76.45411860000002|482.8032001844076|0|2|FF0000&r12=35.612661|-77.36635380000001|482.8032001844076|0|2|FF0000&r13=40.8468202|-73.78749829999998|402.336000153673|0|2|FF0000&r14=38.9784453|-76.49218289999999|64.37376002458768|0|2|FF0000&r15=39.554883059924016|-75.9539794921875|160.9344000614692|0|2|FF0000&r16=38.2526647|-85.75845570000001|1609.344000614692|0|2|FF0000&r17=38.8417821|-76.51217980000001|160.9344000614692|0|2|FF0000&r18=38.9784453|-76.49218289999999|241.4016000922038|0|2|FF0000&r19=38.9373391|-76.32899409999999|321.8688001229384|0|2|FF0000&r20=39.5492792|-76.09161700000004|241.4016000922038|0|2|FF0000&r21=39.69317119999999|-74.94266620000002|321.8688001229384|0|2|FF0000&r22=41.2709274|-73.7776336|482.8032001844076|0|2|FF0000&r23=39.1073317|-76.57107529999996|160.9344000614692|0|2|FF0000&r24=37.5533593|-76.3494076|321.8688001229384|0|2|FF0000&r25=38.785393|-76.22332019999999|96.56064003688152|0|2|FF0000&r26=43.16103|-77.6109219|563.2704002151422|0|2|FF0000> - As long as we keep it in the Chesapeake Bay between Annapolis and the Potomac river we can pretty well assure all 27 respondents can attend either by car or boat. 27!!!!
Boat Radius Map <https://www.freemaptools.com/radius-around-point.htm?mt=r&r1=38.3184577|-76.45411860000002|160.9344000614692|0|2|0000FF&r2=35.612661|-77.36635380000001|241.4016000922038|0|2|0000FF&r3=38.9784453|-76.49218289999999|32.18688001229384|0|2|0000FF&r4=40.8468202|-73.78749829999998|160.9344000614692|0|2|0000FF&r5=32.0835407|-81.09983419999998|160.9344000614692|0|2|0000FF&r6=39.60677889999999|-75.83327179999998|80.4672000307346|0|2|0000FF&r7=38.8417821|-76.51217980000001|80.4672000307346|0|2|0000FF&r8=38.9784453|-76.49218289999999|241.4016000922038|0|2|0000FF&r9=38.9784453|-76.49218289999999|241.4016000922038|0|2|0000FF&r10=38.9373391|-76.32899409999999|128.74752004917536|0|2|0000FF&r11=39.5492792|-76.09161700000004|160.9344000614692|0|2|0000FF&r12=39.2136659|-76.24228490000002|96.56064003688152|0|2|0000FF&r13=41.2709274|-73.7776336|482.8032001844076|0|2|0000FF&r14=39.1073317|-76.57107529999996|80.4672000307346|0|2|0000FF&r15=37.5533593|-76.3494076|160.9344000614692|0|2|0000FF&r16=35.54655169999999|-77.05217419999997|482.8032001844076|0|2|0000FF&r17=35.54655169999999|-77.05217419999997|482.8032001844076|0|2|0000FF&r18=37.0298687|-76.34522179999999|96.56064003688152|0|2|0000FF&r19=37.8420743|-76.27577710000003|80.4672000307346|0|2|0000FF&r20=38.785393|-76.22332019999999|96.56064003688152|0|2|0000FF&r21=37.5531008|-76.34028739999997|80.4672000307346|0|2|0000FF> - It looks like any Chesapeake bay location between Annapolis and Solomons will maximize the available attendees by boat. Somewhere close to 13 boats! Here are some formatted screen shots map screen shots <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8pEh5lnvP1yMUdWdWRha1FxMG8> with proposed range limits I'll put together a list of locations, your suggestions will be included. It still sounds like the 2018 Annapolis Fall boat show is capturing the most attention. The problem is that dockage and moorings are limited during an event of that magnitude. I'm open to your thoughts and solutions. Thanks, Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote: > Ok guys I got 23 responses for the survey. It looks like most of the > people who are going to respond already have. I figure I'll give one last > day for any stragglers to get the word and take the survey. > > *Here's my push* - If anyone else is interested in attending a 2018 > Mid-Atlantic C&C rendezvous, please complete the survey at the link below. > Your response is being used to evaluate the level of interest and the best > compromise of location. > > https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MFT2GLY > > So far I'm getting a lot of interest in Annapolis and Solomons and some > interest in doing it in conjunction with the sailboat show. > > > Thanks everybody, > > Josh Muckley > S/V Sea Hawk > 1989 C&C 37+ > Solomons, MD > > > > > > On Sep 13, 2017 11:57 AM, "Josh Muckley via CnC-List" < > cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > > Having just completed the 6 hour drive home from the 2017 Northeast C&C > Rendezvous in Greenport, NY, I'm pumped about the possibility of meeting > and greeting other C&C owners next year. Edd is already taking about > having the 2018 Northeast C&C Rendezvous in Port Jefferson, NY. I strongly > urge everyone to consider attending! It was great to finally put faces to > names/email addressed. It was cool to see each other's boats and the > innovative things each of us have done. We would have loved to have met > more people and seen more boats. We would have loved to have brought Sea > Hawk but the 6 hour drive would have been more like a 6 day sail and then 6 > days back again! > > In that same spirit I'm considering organizing a 2018 Mid-Atlantic C&C > Rendezvous. As the organizer I want to reinforce that this isn't MY > rendezvous, it is OUR rendezvous. I want as many people to come together > by boat, car, plane, or train to share the experience. Owners past, > present, and future are all welcome. I could probably use help in many > ways and would be happy to take input, feedback and suggestions. In its > incipient stage I'm trying to narrow down level of interest and a location > that will attract the most people. After that we can narrow down a > date/time. And then after that we can iron out to the finer points. To > start with here is a survey. I'll take the survey results and develop a > location. If you are at all interested in attending a 2018 Mid-Atlantic > C&C Rendezvous please take a moment to answer these few questions. > > https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MFT2GLY > > > Thanks, > > Josh Muckley > S/V Sea Hawk > 1989 C&C 37+ > Solomons,MD > > _______________________________________________ > > This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you > wish to make a contribution to offset our costs, please go to: > https://www.paypal.me/stumurray > > All Contributions are greatly appreciated! > > > -- When security matters. http://www.secure-my-email.com
_______________________________________________ This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you wish to make a contribution to offset our costs, please go to: https://www.paypal.me/stumurray All Contributions are greatly appreciated!