Thanks Doug
> On Sep 3, 2017, at 11:26 PM, svpegasus38 via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> I have Davis that came with the boat. They are free standing (not connected 
> to stern pulpit). Not thrilled with the design.
>  For a generator I use a Honda 2000 companion. It has a 30 amp plug.
>  Getting ready to get quotes on a full enclosure for the cockpit. I know 
> several cruisers in the Pacific northwest that have a full enclosure and they 
> are great. Pegasus has a dodger and bimini which is the next best thing. Get 
> one that you can remove panels for the different seasons  and needs of the 
> boat and crew. 
> I think that darker colors make the cockpit warmer. Could be a detriment on a 
> hot day. 
> As for a watermaker. A friend has one on his 52 Irwin keeps it pickled most 
> of the time. He installed it before their cruise to Mexico and back to 
> Seattle.  
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
> Doug Mountjoy 
> Pegasus (for sale) 
> Lf38 
> Rebecca Leah 
> LF39 
> -------- Original message --------
> From: john wright via CnC-List <>
> Date: 9/3/17 19:27 (GMT-08:00)
> To:
> Cc: john wright <>
> Subject: Stus-List Starting a complete refit on C&C Landfall 38 ,   first of 
> many questions.
> Does anyone have a water maker on their boat?
> How about a Gen Set? 
> Full enclosure for the cockpit?
> Davits?
> If you do have any of the above or have thoughts on them, can you please 
> share. Also include brand , (AC or DC for water maker). Can you also share 
> pictures of where on boat its located.
> Thanks in advance
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> This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you wish 
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> All Contributions are greatly appreciated!


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