First, the old name must be removed and purged from Poseidon's record. This means not only the name on the transom, but anything aboard that has the name on it. Pictures pot holders, drink caddies, logs, warranties, everything.
Then the old name should be scribed onto metal ( a thin metal plant label works nice) and cast into the sea. The final step in de-naming after all this has been completed, is the backward sail, one boat length. Only then can the naming ceremony begin. A fresh bottle of your favorite beverage. (We used the last bottle of Dom from our wedding over 30 years ago. I knew we'd find a reason to open it eventually). The ceremony proceeds with asking Poseidon's blessing and then toasting and tossing his share into the sea. You then proceed with similar pleadings to the lesser, but also most honored, gods of the for winds. And, no you do not break the bottle on the's a sin to waste good wine! These Aussies have it right and all the words too... Tom Buscaglia S/V Alera 1990 C&C 37+/40 Vashon WA P 206.463.9200 C 305.409.3660 > On Aug 4, 2017, at 1:38 AM, wrote: > > Message: 8 > Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2017 04:38:07 -0400 > From: Violeta M I <> > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List Renaming ceremony > Message-ID: > <> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" > > Hi Doug and everyone, > > I've always wondered about the proper ceremony to rename a boat. I'll have > to do it, too! > > How do you "dename" a boat? I've heard one should write the old name on a > piece of paper, burn it, and throw the ashes in the sea. What do you do > with the champagne (other than drink some/lots)? Do you break a bottle? > (Fire and glass on board ... great.) > > Are there separate ceremonies for denaming and naming? Doug's email seems > to suggest so. What does one do on naming day? > > When it comes to appeasing the sea gods, one might as well cover all bases. > > Fair winds, > > Violeta
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