Is it possible you have a diaphragm pump?  If that is the case the pump is not 
in the bilge and higher ... follow the hose and you would find the pump.  Mine 
is in the cupboard beneath head sink.


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Steven A. 
Demore via CnC-List
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 9:08 PM
Cc: Steven A. Demore
Subject: Stus-List 73 30 MK1 Bilge Pump

While we're having so many conversations on bilge pumps, I have another 
question for you.  I picked up a project  '73 30' MK 1.  There is a float 
switch in the bilge, right under the forward access hole.  There are wires 
leading forward through the bilge toward the mast, as well as a hose that leads 
out of the bilge, around the head, up the wall by the holding tank, and out 
through a drain at the top of the hull (I had assumed it to be a vent 
previously).  I have reached up through the bilge as far as I can, put a camera 
in there and took some pictures, used a mirror and flashlight, everything I 
could think of (I don't have a borescope), but I can't find the pump or the end 
of the hose/wires.  Does anybody know how to access the pump and whether it is 
screwed down?  It almost has to be forward of the mast, but I can't reach it.  
I don't want to pull too hard on the hose, but I need to find the pump and see 
what kind of shape it is in.  Any ideas?

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