Go to Port Townsend Rigging and talk with Lisa & Dan!  They are Seldon dealers 
and make custom masts too.  Lisa will tell you if she can’t reef your boat in 
less than a minute or two, it’s not rigged right.

> On Jul 11, 2017, at 10:11 03PM, Andrew Means via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Some of you may remember a thread about a year ago where I was soliciting 
> opinions on how to get a single-line reefing system to work on S.V. Safari, 
> my C&C 34.
> I can say that I got it working well enough to take us safely to Tofino and 
> back, along with a year’s worth of great sailing. The single line reefing 
> made reefing with an inexperienced crew much safer and smoother. However, 
> it’s not perfect. The reefing lines (along with the outhaul, topping lift, 
> etc.) had to contend with a fair amount of friction and frozen hardware that 
> will never come off, and as such our reefs tend to not be as crisp as they 
> could/should be.
> So I’m contemplating what a new boom might look like. Something with internal 
> reefing lines, outhaul, topping lift, etc.. I’m not sure where to start. What 
> are my options?
> Andrew
> -- 
> Andrew Means
> S.V. Safari - 1977 C&C 34 Mk I
> Seattle, WA
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