I've got a NMEA 2k network aboard my C&C 30, including a Garmin GWS 10 wind sensor at the top of the mast. Everything was working well at the end of last season, but when I launched and stepped my mast this spring I found that the wind speed/direction was not appearing on my instruments. The other components (depth, sea temp, speed) appear to be working fine. The mast cable attached to the network with a field installable connector and I've rechecked those connections and they look good. I've also tried a different tee connector to make sure that wasn't the problem, but still no luck.
Are there any other tests or diagnostics I can run to determine the root of the problem without having to send someone up the mast? I'm guessing the possibilities are either a bad connection between the mast cable and wind sensor or a failure of the sensor itself, but I'm open to any tips or suggestions you might have! Thanks, Chris SV Seeker - C&C 30 Holyrood, NL
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