Thanks. When I looked closer this afternoon is saw the ram's horn :) so I 
captured the cringle on the rams horn and used the in boom lines to bring down 
the clew. A friend suggested the jam cleat might be to secure the baby stay 
adjuster which looked as though it might be correct or perhaps for a cunningham.

Thanks all 

    On Sunday, June 11, 2017 5:31 PM, G Collins <> 

 A jam cleat on the mast may be for temporarily parking a halyard if you are at 
the mast pulling it up.  I use one for my main when I'm sailing by myself.  Or 
maybe for a cunningham?My reefing lines come out the underside of the boom, 
down to the mast collar, and back along the deck to clutches near the 
Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11On 2017-06-11 12:28 PM, Doug Welch via CnC-List wrote:

I cant seem to figure it out. I have a jam cleat on the starboard side of the 
mast the stops a line from being pulled towards the deck (is this part of it?). 
I'm stumped

Thanks in advance
Doug WelchCeltic Knot 33-2 c/bFrenchman's Bay

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