Hi All,

I’d like to take a moment to thank Dennis, and consider nominating him for a 
Wally Award.  Every year we have folks who go just a little further, ok some 
say over the top, but really, they just want to figure out a way to do a good 
job, just a little better.

I came into this list when Wally and Jim were the pillars, folks you could 
count on for real help, and a good example of how to do a boat project well.  
While Wally is off cruising in Mexico and Jim semi-retired, folks like Dennis 
have stepped up to make this list the great list it is for the rest of us.  

We owe them a big thanks for keeping the Wally story going. . .

OK, Yes, I missed a lot of good folks, this was just a good example this week. 
Please no flames. . .

Thanks, Lee

> On May 25, 2017, at 5:33 10PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> Not talking moonshine here but the stress relief to keep wires from breaking. 
>  Some of you may have a similar issue with some item on your boat.  Possibly 
> where insulation on a cable breaks and exposes the wires inside.  VHF 
> microphone cable maybe?
> I installed a Nexus instrument system on Touche' in 1999.  I remove the knot 
> log transducer if the boat is idle for some time.  After a couple years of 
> constant handling, the knot log transducer got a bit flakey.  A Nexus tech 
> (who now works for Garmin) told me one of the wires in the cable where it 
> exits the transducer most likely broken and was making intermittent contact.  
> He said it was because the cable was subject to sharp bending at that point.  
> He told me how to modify the new one to add stress relief and prevent 
> recurrence.  
> Well, that fix lasted many years but during the transit to Pensacola a few 
> weeks ago, it acted up again.  I surmised the same problem had occurred.  My 
> fix may not have been robust enough.  I used electrical tape to stabilize the 
> cable and it worked fine for the remainder of the trip adding credence to my 
> diagnosis.
> I received the new cable today and added beefed up stress relief as before.  
> Here's the fix with pics.
> First, the transducer as received.  Note that the cable is epoxied into the 
> transducer but a small well remains.  There is no stress relief.  The cable 
> is subject to sharp bending where it exits the epoxy.
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsaUlBUl9pY0xaV0k 
> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsaUlBUl9pY0xaV0k>
> First, I applied several layers of heat shrink.  Note that I tapered the 
> layers.
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsbURlWkhPdldwYWs 
> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsbURlWkhPdldwYWs>
> Next, I stood the transducer in a jar, taped it and filled the well with 
> unthickened epoxy thus locking the heat shrink in place.
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsUTdQdi1KSm9XQjQ 
> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsUTdQdi1KSm9XQjQ>
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsZnI2OGQzak1SSEE 
> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvsZnI2OGQzak1SSEE>
> Finally I removed the tape.  Final product:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvseEtLTGpKS04xT0E 
> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvseEtLTGpKS04xT0E>
> The heat shrink should now prevent sharp bending of the cable where it exits 
> the transducer.  (My previous fix only used one layer of heat shrink.)
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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> This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you wish 
> to make a contribution to offset our costs, please go to:  
> https://www.paypal.me/stumurray
> All Contributions are greatly appreciated!


This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you wish to 
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All Contributions are greatly appreciated!

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