Even with a sail larger than 105 the sheeting angle may make a difference. There isn't much online about racing sail design for an older C&C 30 so some of it is guesswork and some experimenting.
I wanted a sail that would cover a wide wind range, possible now with the strength of materials like 3Di. The long term plan is to have a light-medium #1 and a heavy-medium #1. I started with the heavy-medium that ended up as about a 151.4% but with 10" short on hoist. Even going down to a 145% at full hoist affected sheeting angle and draft placement. The range was to be 6 - 19 kts, works well to 21 at which time we reef the main. Acceleration is slow below 6 kts but that was the compromise. I have 3 x #3s with different draft running to a short track on deck inside the shrouds. At least on the 30 anything further inboard started interfering with the main, and the lazy sheet works well as an in haul for small adjustments. I have a kevlar #2 which doesn't see much use. It is the usual design, a 140% with a flatter cut. The flatness tends to reduce the power below 18 kts, and above 22 at 140% it is getting too big. I also suspect the sheeting angle isn't optimal. As a result I tend to go from the heavy #1 to a #3 unless the wind is pretty steady at 20 kts. The fastest we go upwind is with an 85% headsail, 22 - 24 kts and flat water. Still a full main. The 85% has a deep draft forward, points to about 35 AWA, and I have seen 6.7 kts on GPS. Michael Brown Windburn C&C 30-1 On 2017-05-02 8:58 PM, Jake Brodersen via CnC-List wrote: Alan, It seems that the smaller your headsail, the faster you go. Pretty soon you can race bare-headed and be at the front of the fleet. Seriously, where do you sheet your 105 to? I am looking to install an inboard track for my #3 to the cabin top, just outboard of the cabin top rails. Right now I have genoa track that runs all the way to the shrouds, but the further forward the car goes, the worse the sheeting angle. An inboard track would help my pointing immensely. Jake Jake Brodersen C&C 35 Mk-III ?Midnight Mistress? Hampton VA
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