Based on an earlier list-serve discussion about lazy jacks, I am re-doing mine 
so that they run from halfway out the spreaders rather than from the mast.  
That should make it easier to keep the battens from fouling on the lazy jacks.  
So a couple of questions: Is there any reason to use 4 lines rather than just 
3?  The spacing between the 3 is sufficiently big that flaking the mainsail can 
be a problem, especially at the aft end.  Would 4 lines help that? Second: what 
are thoughts  about spacing between the lines (either 3 or 4) along the boom? 
Should they be equally spaced or closer together at some points and farther at 
others?  Advice appreciated!

Eric Frank
Cat's Paw
C&C 35 Mk II
Mattapoisett, MA


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