If I can add to Graham question- one of the things I am unhappy about with my auto-inflating life jacket is the lack of pockets. I always wear it when single handing, but I don’t always remember to grab a knife to keep in my pocket. I wish I had a way to keep the knife with the jacket. Are there jackets with pockets that would hold a knife? Other solutions people use? Thanks- Dave
> On Mar 30, 2017, at 7:06 AM, Graham Young via CnC-List > <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > > Then there is the issue of getting yourself back on the boat if you manage to > survive a dragging and decide not to cut yourself free. I was recently > reading Andrew Evans book on single-handed sailing. He was talking about > someone who fell overboard and managed to survive and after the fact talked > about the challenge that the lifelines posed to getting back aboard. > Whatever else the pros and cons of Dyneema lifelines are, he was talking > about the potential benefit of being able to cut the lifeline in an > emergency, particularly for a single-hander who has no one else to help > him/her back aboard. > > Following up on Kevin's recommendation to check out Navigation Landfall, they > have customizable Dyneema jacklines for about $2 per foot. Anyone have any > experience with this type of jackline? The description touted Dyneema's > strength and low stretch as an advantage. > > Also, on the topic of cutting yourself away, what do others choose to use for > a rescue knife? I'm particularly interested in others thoughts about a > folding versus sheathed knife. It seems to me that a securely sheathed knife > would be an advantage as you may not have 2 hand free to unfold your knife in > an emergency. But Gill has a rescue knife that is folding. > > Aries 1990 C&C 34+ New London, CT
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