Thanks Josh, I appreciate the point. The fact is that Grenadine's rig is 
already changed from the original intended geometry because of the C&C 
construction flaw of using plywood mast step supports. The 44-year-old supports 
that came out of Grenadine's bilge are incredibly fragile - delaminating, 
splintering, etc. It's a wonder they held the mast up. It appears that 
deterioration of the aft support depressed the aft end of the mast step by 1/4" 
to 1/2", and tilted the mast to port enough to be noticeable during 
side-to-side rig tuning. If anything my efforts will hopefully restore the 
originally-intended geometry. The elevation of the forward support won't change 
- it was in better shape than the aft support. The elevation of the aft support 
will be about 1/4" higher than current, which I believe should restore it to 
the original elevation as best I can guess. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Josh Muckley via CnC-List" <> 
To: "C&C List" <> 
Cc: "Josh Muckley" <> 
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:29:31 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Mast Step Pitch & Helm Balance 

Be very careful before changing anything with the original geometry. There are 
a lot of factors involved. The height of the maststep will affect the height at 
the partners (deck) and every stay, not just the headstay. There are deck ties 
which hold the mast to the deck, they will be good guides as to the appropriate 
height of the step. The mast typically pivots at the partners so moving the 
foot makes a big change to the head and shrouds. Our rigs are not typically 
swept but these factors are even more exasperated on swept spreader rigs. 

Josh Muckley 
S/V Sea Hawk 
1989 C&C 37+ 
Solomons, MD 

On Mar 25, 2017 3:12 AM, "RANDY via CnC-List" < > wrote: 


Seeking your input here. I'm in the middle of the mast step rebuild project a 
la . Lots of 
pictures of the project at . 

I'll be cutting new supports from laminated GPO-3 slabs Saturday night or 
Sunday morning. Before installing the new supports, I have to decide on the 
elevation of the aft support. Of course I took careful elevation measurements 
from the cabin sole before removing the original supports. But the question is, 
what was the original shape of the top of the aft support? 

I believe the middle of Grenadine's aft support, under the mast step block, was 
compressed down from its original elevation due to a combination of weakness in 
the support and standing rigging tension (especially backstay). Have a look at 
the pictures and you can clearly see what I mean, e.g. . This 
compression has the effect of pitching the mast step aft, thereby moving the 
masthead aft, thereby increasing weather helm (which I've definitely noticed 
under enough wind and sail - it was strong under full main and #2 genoa in 30 
kts, not surprisingly). 

However I also believe that the original elevation of the aft support may have 
been carefully tuned for helm balance, prior to compression below the mast step 
block due to weak wood and standing rigging tension. 

The reason this elevation question matters so much is because, using 
trigonometry, I can calculate the distance by which different elevations of the 
aft support will move the masthead forward or aft, which in turn will affect 
helm balance. Each quarter inch of aft support elevation difference could move 
the masthead about three inches I believe. 

The last picture ( ) in the Google 
Drive folder linked above shows the templates from which I'll cut the new 
supports, traced from the original supports removed from Grenadine's bilge. I 
hypothesize that the dashed line I drew at the top of the aft support template 
may have been the aft support's original elevation. 

I'm halfways tempted to split the difference and cut the new aft support to 
have that elevation. Of course, I could be full of crap, because I tune the 
mast rake using the stays after all, which probably influences helm balance 
more than mast step pitch. And of course I can control the sail selection and 
sail trim, which probably influence helm balance more than mast step pitch. 
However, for a given sail selection close-hauled, with neither the backstay nor 
forestay over-tensioned, the mast step pitch would certainly influence the 
masthead position and therefore the combined center of effort of the sail plan. 

What say ye? Does anyone out there know if the top of the original aft mast 
step support on a 30-1 was flat all the way across, or did it come from the 
factory with a little elevation drop to tune helm balance? I'll be committing 
an assumption about that to a GPO-3 slab with my jigsaw in the next day or two. 

Thanks in advance, 
Randy Stafford 
S/V Grenadine 
C&C 30-1 #7 
Ken Caryl, CO 


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