Hey Chris
Do you have pictures of the table brackets?

Thanks,Paul Hood81 C&C 34 Georgian Bay

Hi All -
Well, it took until last week for our insurance to finally take our beloved C&C 
34 for salvage after Hurricane Matthew in October!
We had a few parts still kicking around that were getting cleaned up. ?If 
anyone is looking for:
4 step transom ladder ($100 plus shipping)Cockpit pedestal mount table with 
mounting brackets ($70 plus shipping)Old breaker style C&C etched DC panel 
(free, you pay shipping)
Pictures at the following link.

I'm sure there will be more as I go through the boxes, but this is a start.
We had a great time with her for 10 years, it's a sad time to see her go...
Chris Duerex-C&C 34 #117Morning View


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