After spending some time on a friend's cruising boat that had a Xantrex
LinkPro battery monitor, I bought a LinkLite for Imzadi.

Several on EBay for around $200 - and I see the price has gone up a lot
since I bought mine.

The device monitors voltage for two banks, and shows instantaneous current
in or out for the main bank, total AH used since the last charge for the
main bank, and % or total AH remaining. It adjusts for the total AH
available when you do a periodic "synchronize" after a full charge. It
doesn't show you the total AH capacity for the main bank, but knowing the AH
used and the & of total remaining you can do some arithmetic to calculate
the total AH available.

As a matter of fact, I happen to have done that when I was on the boat on
Sunday. The house bank was at 93.2% of capacity, and based on the AH used I
figured my house bank is down to a bit over 400AH from the 460 it was when
the batteries were installed in 2010.

Rick Brass
Washington, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Mitchell's via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 2:24 PM
To: CNC List <>
Cc: Mitchell's <>
Subject: Stus-List Battery test

Here is one for you electrical guys, my batteries are over 5 years old. I
have all LED lights, a 240 watt solar panel and modern refrigeration. The
batteries are working fine but there is no way they are still performing as
new. I would like to monitor their amp hour capacity as they age. Is there a
simple way to do it or do I need to take them into a battery shop? 
90 days to launch! 
Len Mitchell
1989 37+
Crazy Legs
Midland On. 

Sent from my mobile device. 


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