Last year I got a really a good deal on new Lewmar ocean series hatches at defender's spring sale. I went with Lewmar to replace Lewmar. The frames are nearly identical, except the actual screw holes.

I'm just in the process of replacing them now (too many projects last year)

I did replace the forward hatch on my viking a few years ago. I got that at defender, at a spring sale, as well. I used a low profile lewmar to replace the old bomar. I did have to enlarge the opening. I had a router attachment for my dremel I used to do that. The deck was formed to accept the hatch and that area was solid fiberglass. So, after making the opening a bit bigger, it was all about filling in the old screw holes and cleaning off the old bedding material. I set the new hatch with Butyl Tape, from compass marine, and used through bolts. I plan on, setting my new hatches in butyl as well. I feel you can't beat the butyl. It's very forgiving and I've never had leak on anything I've set with it. It stays pliable forever! The hull to deck joint on the viking was set with it and 40 years later it was still soft and workable. Just read compass marine's write-up on bedding deck hardware and I think you'll find it is the way to go. In the end, it's the bolts that hold the parts in place and the butyl keeps it from leaking!!


On 1/18/2017 9:50 AM, John Rand via CnC-List wrote:
On my C&C 35 MkII I got a really good deal on a Bomar hatch. It was a little larger than the old one, so I just enlarged the hole, patched with fiberglass and set the new one with 3M 4000. It fits great, no leaks.


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 4:01 PM, ALAN BERGEN via CnC-List < <>> wrote:


    My previous boat, an Ericson 30, had wood framed hatches. I
    replaced them with Bomar hatches, and removed some of the
    fiberglass to which the old hatches were mounted.

    Alan Bergen
    35 Mk III Thirsty
    Rose City YC
    Portland, OR

I'm looking to replace my forward hatch on my C&C 35 Mk1. Dimensions are 21.625" X 25.375" OD, 20.75" X 24.5 ID. Any
    suggestions on what to replace it with?  I can't seem to find
    anything to fit, so should I consider removing the "lip" the old
    hatch fit over?  Or should i epoxy in an additional spacer to get
    the frame down to a standard size, say maybe the Bowmar 20 3/16" X
    30 3/16" or similar?  Or should I just build a new hatch out of
fiberglass and wood frame like the original that's on the boat? I'd prefer something that's going to be water tight, obviously.
    and it would be nice to have some light coming through.

    Thanks in advance for any tips and recommendations.


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