The cover came with the boat, but I did buy a couple of the T fittings
locally - I think it was from Genco Marine in Toronto.  (Rangeview Dr.,
 Mississauga ON)   The T fitting is used to attach to the spine.  Not sure
if they have the other fittings or not.  I would think commercial tent
frames would use similar stuff?
Good luck,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pete Shelquist <>
To: <>
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 14:57:56 -0600
Subject: Stus-List frame parts and pieces

Dave –

Do you have a source for the cast fitting connecting the longitudinal pipes
to the leg?  Or each leg to the spine?

*From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *Dave
S via CnC-List
*Sent:* Friday, December 30, 2016 10:56 AM
*To:* C&c Stus List <>
*Cc:* Dave S <>
*Subject:* Re: Stus-List Quinte cover

I had a cover made by Dennis at Quinte but my frame came with the boat.  It
uses aluminum tubing.  In addition to the spine and ribs, I have vertical
posts (5?) supporting the spine.   Also, there are longitudinal pipes
running parallel to and around a foot above the sheer, clamped to each leg
though an appropriate cast fitting.  this keeps the ribs from twisting.
Additionally, I bungee cord over that longitudinal to the toe-rail.   Seems
to work.

just posted pics here:

Better go check....


windstar 33-2

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