Coax cable is available in a wide range of types, and for the small
increment involved (if any) it makes sense to get the right stuff for your
boat, and the best quality can.   The higher performing cables are larger
in OD, so this might be the main issue.

Be particularly careful of low end coax (RG6 or RG59) that would be used
for CATV applications. Not only is it the wrong impedence but often the
shielding is really minimal, and what braid there is may be aluminum and
difficult to solder.   You need to make sure the jacket is UV resistant for
the short length exposed, or just cover it with heatshrink.

Look for a high copper braid shield coverage, expressed in %, and ideally
an indication that the coax complies with a mil spec.  "Marine Grade" is
total bullship, A ham radio place will be a better supplier than a marine
dealer, and you can guarantee (almost) that the folks know their stuff.
They can sell you quality connectors and will probably solder them for you
if you want.

Here is a simplistic but adequate overview of 50 ohm coax, RG 58, RG8, RG

Get a bit extra and you can make yourself a "slim jim" style emergency VHF
antenna for a few dollars.   Google it.

I am using Belden 8267  (RG-213)   Belden a manufacturer that is
historically identified as an industry standard - their part numbers are
often used as generic descriptors.

Here is a discussion on same:.

Dave   Windstar, 33-2

On Dec 9, 2016 9:36 PM, "Bob Hickson via CnC-List" <>

> I need to pull a new VHF wire up my mast in the spring. I see that there
> are 4 different types of Coaxial cable. Any suggestions which is best for a
> 60 foot run from the radio to the top  of the mast?
> Bob Hickson, P. ENG.,
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
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