Regardless of how it used to run, you might consider how I run the pole
downhaul on Touche'.  Warning, it ain't cheap.

I use a single block with snap shackle to attach to the bridle ring.  The
doubled line then runs down to a double block with carabiner that clips to
a Wichard fold down pad eye centered on the foredeck.  The lines run
outboard and down each side along the toe rail through single
block/carabiners and then to cam cleats on either side of the cabin just
forward of the cockpit.  The two ends are tied together and usually tossed
down the companionway.  In essence, it becomes and "endless" downhaul.

Having a double downhaul allows the guy trimmer to trim both the guy and
downhaul from either side.  On Touche' that's his/her job.

The only deck penetrations are the pad eye and cam cleat fasteners.

When not racing, the downhaul is stored in a cockpit locker.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

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