good luck with won't be fast that way; sorry
Dwight Veinot
C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Charlie Nelson via CnC-List
<> wrote:
> Hey all;
> Although I have VMG (or at least its approximate equivalent) available from
> my Garmin 746 Chart plotter and can display it on one of my 4 Garmin
> displays above the companionway, I find it difficult to see it with crew in
> the cockpit and I don't like putting my head into the boat looking down at
> the chart-plotter mounted above the binnacle while I am trying my best to go
> hard on the wind.
> OK-OK--I know this hardly qualifies as a serious problem!!
> Nonetheless, I am looking for the simplest solution that allows me to see
> the VMG either on my iphone (hard to read with sunglasses on), or a 'smart
> watch' which may have the same problem. I realize I could use another
> battery powered GPS but I would need to mount it and operate it while trying
> to get my head in to the race at the same time.
> Ideally glasses with a heads-up display of it would have it in front of me
> no matter what else was going on.
> Any listers have solutions or ideas? My simpleminded thought is to put the
> RC or starting line in as a MOB mark and then use either the largest
> negative VMG upwind from it to guide me at the helm and the largest positive
> VMG downwind from it find the best AWA. This would likely give me the best
> course to steer no matter how true the course is to windward.
> Thanks,
> Charlie Nelson
> Water Phantom
> C&C 36 XL/kcb 1995
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