The Gori did poorly, though note it was a three blade folding. Also Gori spec'd the wrong size of prop according to a note at the end of the article.
It is a good article but I noted that most of the props stopped from 6 kts in 8 - 10 seconds, the majority of them did 6.4 - 6.65 kts ahead. For me the biggest differences would be in prop walk from 9 to 16%, nearly 70% more prop walk force. Overall the Flex-O-Fold 2 blade looks to be a good choice. The Gori 2 blade physically is very similar to the Flex-O-Fold. Anyone have experience testing those two against each other? Michael Brown Windburn C&C 30-1 From: "Nauset Beach" <> Mike, Several people on the list have retired their Martec props for the very reason you cite: very poor reverse performance. Many have changed to 2 blade Flex-O-Fold geared props and the difference in reverse is dramatic. Take a look at a prop test article from Yachting Monthly in the UK that Flex-O-Fold posted on their website at this link: The Gori did not rank very well. I believe everyone who has switched to a Flex prop has been happy, once they get the pitch correct. I was initially spec'ed a 16 Diameter x 13 Pitch to replace a 16 x 14 Martec,. That was too much pitch and was getting severe cavitation / vibration. Now I have a 16 x 12 with better performance and very little vibration. Brian
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