I second Dave’s view on the 3rd generation anchors. CQR is in fact the worst 
anchor ever made, that’s why they had to be heavily oversized to work. Delta is 
a 2nd generation anchor, good but not great.
For such a critical piece of equipment the choice should be one of the 3rd gen 
anchors. Spade is the best anchor in the world, followed by Rocna and Mantus.
The Spade is also the most expensive anchor in the world, so for most sailors 
it’s a toss between the next two in line.
I have a Rocna 15 kg with 300 feet of 5/16 Acco chain and, consequently  I 
spend most of my time tending other people’s anchors and boats rather than 
mine. All that tackle is handled by me with the help of an electric Maxwell 

C&C 37 Northern Light

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