7/16" for reefing control lines on a 32 seems like an massive overkill. Not to 
mention getting hit in the face with them while hoisting the main is going to 
be awfully painful!

Aaron R.
Admiral Maggie
79 30-1
Annapolis, MD

> On Oct 1, 2016, at 8:58 AM, Dave S via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> 'morning all - 
> Rehabilitating mast and boom this winter.
> In the specs and on my boat, the reeflng lines are 7/16" dia and the outhaul 
> 3/8".
> Any reason NOT to use 3/8" for the reefing lines?   Thinking smaller diameter 
> will run more freely - the boom-end sheaves are small.  Not that much harder 
> on the hands, same rope clutch.
> Thanks!
> Dave   Windstar, 33-2
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