I met a guy in the marina in Chemanius this spring that had a very nice 38 
MKII. He told me he had sailed the boat to the South Pacific, I think he said 
Fiji, and back. I don't recall the name of the name of the boat nor know if he 
is a lister. Had a dark green hull.
There was also another west coast sailor Robert Peterson who circumnavigated in 
a 38 named Topaz. In fact this same boat was circumnavigated single handed by 
another sailor named Ken Hellewell who wrote a book about preparing a boat for 
DavidFormer C&C 26

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: Andrew Burton via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 2016-08-22  14:48  (GMT-07:00) To: 
cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: Andrew Burton <a.burton.sai...@gmail.com> Subject: 
Re: Stus-List Grand adventure/ long distance sailing in a C&C 
My wife and I just sailed from Newport to SW Harbor, Maine. Left Friday 
afternoon and took two nights to get here. Pick your weather and it's easy. 
AndyC&C 40Peregrine 

Andrew Burton61 W NarragansettNewport, RI USA    02840
http://sites.google.com/site/andrewburtonyachtservices/+401 965-5260
On Aug 22, 2016, at 13:22, Daniel Sheer via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 

I bought Pegathy in Ft. Lauderdale and sailed her up to Baltimore. Last year, 
sailed to Nantucket and back. Coasting is fun and pretty easy. Best to have 4 
or more crew when you overnight offshore, even coasting. Active Captain is a 
great app, best if you're computer or tablet has a GIS reciever.  Pick your 
weather when you're coasting, BECAUSE YOU CAN! Read the book Storm Tactics. 
Make allowance for gear failure. Carry extra fuel and water. 

Fair winds and following seas to you.
Dan Sheer, 
Pegathy LF38 - Rock Creek off the Patapsco

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This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you like 
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