have used for over  00years...makes all the difference in securing to
bottom...use 36ft 1 half inch chain  then 200 ft plus 5eights 3strand
rode...open the kellet  ,,put it on rope fasten  sliding retreval
line..then fasten weights....usually use 15 lbd  lead ball  sometimes  two
depending on forcasts,,,let out  chain rode  then 3strand part of anchor
rode  &lower until kellet   about 25 to 30 ft aft of chain or further
depending on water depth    use 45lbd  CQR  with extra weight in tip..have
had little drag problems in winds  just short of 65 knts...has kept us safe
for  48 plus years ..great lakes,us east &south coasts,st lawrence,pacific
coasts...biggest problem after heavy blow anchor dug in bottom & hard to
break free.......tidewater  1968 redline 41  british columbia

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