It's not as unreasonable as it sounds!
I saw in last month's issue of Cruising World that Ocean Passage Opportunities is organizing several fleets to travel in company from the east coast to St. Georges for the Americas Cup finals in Bermuda next June. They seem to have a pretty good handle on organization, dockage, and activities. They are calling it Rally to the Cup. Here are a couple of links to information on the OPO website: Imzadi will definitely be going! My current plan is to join the Annapolis fleet (perhaps as it passes through the Norfolk area to save a few days travel in Chesapeake Bay), keep the boat at the Dinghy Club in St. Georges for about 2 weeks (so it can be available for accommodations), and return to Norfolk/Hampton, VA area after the Cup finals and when there is a good weather window. I figure I have room for 3 to 5 crew each way, and that there would probably be different crew in each direction. Crew slot available if you can't take your own C&C to Bermuda. So who wants to have a C&C rendezvous and watch the America's Cup in Bermuda next summer? Rick Brass Imzadi C&C 38 mk 2 la Belle Aurore C&C 25 mk1 Washington, NC
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