This is not sailing related, but we can all pretend that it is...

Win 10 is much better than 8.1 – more stable, more configurable, better 
supported. And substantially better than 8.0.
You can stop (only kind of) the updates by identifying that your wireless 
connection is metered. This would prevent the updates to download 
automatically. However, this could cause you grief with some updates that you 
may want to do (like weekly firewall and malware protection updates).

You auto-capitalisation is a user configurable feature. You can still keep it, 
but e.g. prevent the auto-corrections after certain characters (e.g. after btw. 
or etc.). This has nothing to do with Win 10, but it is a change that caught 
you when you upgraded from Outlook 2007 (until that point you had a choice of 
using the Outlook’s built in editor or Word; now this is the same editor (and 
it is pretty much Word)).

If you want to stick with the well-proven version, stay with Win 7 (and don’t 
upgrade to 8 or 8.1).

And you don’t need to use your Win 10 device like a smartphone. You can, but 
you don’t need to. With Win 10, you can use it very much the same way as with 
Win 7. Much more so than what you could do with Win 8.1 (or worse yet, with Win 

(should I list my computers here (instead of my sailboat)? (-;))

From: Gary Nylander via CnC-List 
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 13:11
Cc: Gary Nylander 
Subject: Re: Stus-List [Support] Re: Question on

Wally, I am not a fan of win 10. It appears that Microsoft assumes that all
users are gamers and/or want to join the social media world 100%. It also
appears the office software assumes a dolt of a user who has no idea of how
to compose a letter or much of anything else - in other words they make
spelling/grammar/punctuation decisions for you whether you are interested or
not. If you get into some of their games, they assume you want to play games
with the world and store all your results and whatever on the cloud. I
prefer to keep it simple and that does not appear to be their plan.

My smarter friends tell me to stay on 7 or 8.1. But I was coming from
Vista!! And that wasn't possible (note the capital on the A, that was placed
there by Outlook all by itself).

Gary (still living in the stone age and not liking having to come out of my

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Wally
Bryant via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 12:01 PM
To: Support <>;
Cc: Wally Bryant <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List [Support] Re: Question on

Jon -

Thanks for that upgrade.  I'll check it out.

I was going to upgrade to Win 10 after I sailed to La Paz, since I use the
machine to navigate and didn't want to take any risks with software not
working.  But, I see the offer expires in 13 hours, so what the heck.  I
just did a full system backup yesterday, and if there's a problem I can
quickly rebuild the current Win 8 system.  Besides, I have two backup
computers and an entirely different marine chartplotter and three separate
GPS systems... Single handed sailors tend to be fussy about safety.


On 7/27/2016 6:27 PM, Support wrote:
>   ##- Please type your reply above this line -##
> [image: Jon Bilger]
> *Jon Bilger* (Support)
> Jul 28, 11:27 NZST
> Hi Wal,
> I understand the dilemma.... I have upgraded your account to the 
> Standard for free - I hope this helps!
> I see you are on Windows 8.1 - I would recommend you upgrade to 
> Windows 10
> - it is free upgrade until the end of the month. The Offshore App 
> works okay on Windows 8.1, but is optimised for Windows 10
> Kind Regards,
> Jon Bilger
> [image: Wal]
> *Wal*
> Jul 28, 05:56 NZST
> This is a follow-up to your previous request #25052 
> <> "Question on 
> Thanks Jon -
> Yes, that answered my question. I'm not entirely pleased, because I 
> will have to upgrade my account to get high resolution gribs that 
> would be equivalent to what I get with the web interface. i navigate 
> with Fugawi 4.5, which can load gribs and overlay them on the charts, 
> and have many sources for gribs. But I've always enjoyed the PDF files 
> that store the web displays, with color contours and high resolution. 
> I'll probably just use the snipper tool to grab screen shots and merge 
> them into a .jpg.
> While I've been a full time cruiser since 2009, I'm really just 
> cruising around Pacific Mexico, and use cellular for internet access 
> using the phone as a WiFi hotspot. On the mainland it's easy to get a 
> good cellular connection within 10 miles of shore, and the only time I 
> need a long term forecast is if I decide to head out a hundred miles 
> and tack back. However, the crossing over to Baja takes a few days, 
> and up into the Sea of Cortez you can go a week or more without internet
> Thus I like to cache a good long term forecast. Oh well, I'll keep 
> working on it.
> Best regards,
> Wal
> This email is a service from Support.
> <>
> <> 
> <>
> <> 
> <> [1VKYWW-LXZN]

s/v Stella Blue


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