My literature states that my shoal draft 1973 version is also about 4'6". A friend had the std version, which was raced in the old SORC and his was 5'3".Don't know if there were changes made to the keels during the run, but those were numbers I'm aware of.I find that in 10kts of wind, I'm doing by best upwind by tacking through 90deg. So I don't point as high, but I do make good time to the weather mark.RonWild CheriC&C 30-1STL
From: Joseph Bognar via CnC-List <> To: Cc: Joseph Bognar <> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 9:23 AM Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C 30 Shoal Draft Graham : the shoal draft draws 4'6" I find it still points well Sent from Joe Bognar
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