You'll have to use an open source program called CanBUS and OpenCPN to
serve out the N2K signals.

The OpenPlotter website and software suite might help too.  There's also a
open source package called navigatrix which supports the N2K with CanBUS
and runs on a laptop.  The N2K signals can be served out as TCP, UDP, or
SignalK.  All of these are over a wired or wireless (WiFi) IP network.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD
Hi All,

up to my ears in tech, and have just finished installing a Seatalk NG
(NMEA2000 aka N2K) backbone, garmin GPS, Raymarine instruments (i70 and
p70) and autopilot.   No wind (yet) , no chartplotter.
I have an actisense USB gateway which is connected to the backbone and will
allow me to run Open CPM (or, I assume other software)  on a laptop
connected via USB.   I have a RAM mount at the helm for my ipad.

I had been using an ipad with Garmin GLO Bluetooth GPS and Navionics HD in
the past.  Worked fine for messing about on Lake Ontario..

Am at the point of considering how to proceed next.   Would like to stick
with a tablet as chartplotter, and would like to use the N2K network as my
primary GPS, with the option of using the tablet alone with the external
Garmin GLO Bluetooth antenna as a backup.

While this technology is moving along quickly, it appears today that I
probably need a N2K wifi gateway, and probably should have bought that over
the actisense.  This does not solve the issue of keeping the tablet's
battery charged at the helm.   .

Has anyone connected a tablet to an N2K backbone, and if so how did you do
it and what hardware and software do you use?   learnings?


Dave  33-ii windstar


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