you must have hear me cursing you...

It's OK...I just posted referring to an exhaust elbo as a gooseneck.. Guess we all have our lapses!

At 09:00 AM 5/29/2016, you wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 29 May 2016 09:54:39 -0400
From: Ryan Doyle <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List my experience with interlux
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=us-ascii

Oops.  Sorry guys.  Replied with the digest again.

Hi Bettina,

Thanks! Did you do kiwi grip for the non skid sections and Brightside on the rest of your deck and cabin top?


Sent from my iPhone

Tom & Lynn Buscaglia
SV Alera
C&C 37+/40
Vashon Island WA
(206) 463-9200


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