Consider yourself lucky. You, at least, got done in by a Bald Eagle. My Garmin wind indicator was trashed by a plain ol' osprey in Megansett Harbor. Lucky for me that he dropped the vane on the deck, and that it didn't splash. And that was "click-on." Still, it cost me a hundred bucks to get a yard with a crane to click it back on. Guy said it was the easiest masthead work he'd ever done. Didn't have to buy any parts. Been working fine since. Check to see if yours is just jammed. Maybe you can fix it with percussive maintenance. Dan SheerPegathy - Landfall 38Rock Creek off the Patapsco
Message: 6 Date: Mon, 2 May 2016 07:27:54 -0700 From: Tom Buscaglia <> To: Subject: Stus-List Eagled Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii The great Bald Eagle is a majestic bird and it's wonderful that we have them where we live. Until they land on your masthead. It appears that one trashed the sensor head for my Raymarine ST60 wind instruments. Speed seems fine but the wind direction arrow thing is done. Anyone know if the sensor head is modular or can be repaired or are they a one piece "disposable" part. BTW, Alera means eagle in Latin. Ya think they cut us some slack... Tom Buscaglia S/V Alera 1990 C&C 37+/40 Vashon WA P 206.463.9200
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