
If it's in good shape, buy the boat.  The foils on the keel and wing are 
optimized for lift to drag ratio at hull speeds.  The boat sails well at four 
degrees incidence angle and you can feel yourself being lifted to weather on as 
beat.  The winglets are mounted well above the foot of the keel so you won't 
increase your draft by heeling.  Boat flies at 18 degrees heel, steering by the 
main with rudder (helm) setting the incidence angle.

Allen Miles
S/v Septima
30-2 167
Hampton, VA

From: Lorne Serpa via CnC-List 
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 2:46 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: Lorne Serpa 
Subject: Stus-List Wing Keel Lift?

So, working on buying my 1st sailboat greater than 15'.  It's a 1988 30MkII.
It has a wing keel.  I read somewhere that a wing keel generates some lift.
Does a wing keel create lift?
Should I have more heavy stuff at the back of the boat for increased angle of 
attack on the keel?
don't be silly.. its a 8,000lb boat going 5 knots.  It does nothing.




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