Touche's refrigeration install created satellite jobs all over the boat. In addition to having to relocate the freshwater pump, accumulator and tank for a new battery, I decided to replace lots of lights with LED bulbs to save battery power. No problem, easy job, right? WRONG!
When I pulled the dome off the starboard Perko deck mounted side light on the bow plate, two of the self tapper screws were stripped out. These lights really need to be screwed down tight, particularly in a salt water environment. The stripped out hole in the aluminum bow palte just wasn't going to do it. A brief search found a stainless 6-32 thread insert kit (Heli Coil) on Amazon. Took about 10-15 minutes per light to drill tap and install the thread inserts. The inserts and machine screw fasteners were coated with TefGel. The lights are now screwed down tight with their new MarineBeam LED bulbs burning brightly. :) Dennis C. Touche' 35-1 #83 Mandeville, LA
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