Would be nice to see a picture or two of the "paint chips" which you
subsequently refer to as holes in your posting. I would be concerned
that they could be a result of pox. Should that be the case, a more
extensive repair is necessary. When I redid the bottom of my C&C 36, I
examined it for pox closely. I found none, but still decided to sand
blast it in the fall and let it dry over the winter. I then applied 4
to 5 coats of Interlux 2000, followed by VC 17 bottom paint. It has
held up very nicely since that time. I only apply the VC 17 each year
to keep the Zebra Muscles off the bottom. If you have to repair holes
all over the bottom, you may want to use West System Epoxy. It takes a
while and it is work, but when it is done and then coated with Interlux
2000, followed by a bottom paint, you should have no problems in the
future. I am sure other from you area may have more pertinent advice.
I am in fresh water on Lake Michigan.
G. Gambel
Wind N Spirits C&C 36
------ Original Message ------
From: "sthoma20--- via CnC-List" <>
Sent: 3/29/2016 11:10:01 AM
Subject: Stus-List Hull paint pressure wash chips
One result of many years of barnicle build up, followed by scraping and
aggressive pressure washing is that a number of paint "chips" were
ripped out right down to the fibreglass or lead substrate on the
new-to-me-but-old-and-neglected C&C36 that I am attempting to renovate.
My intent for the time being is to remove the remaining barnacle
plates, lightly sand the existing ablative, and replace it with more of
the same. That said, I think it would be wise to do something about
these holes, and that a few tubes of spot putty might do the trick. The
main question I have is should I use some sort of primer first, and
what product is likely to work?
Steve Thomas
Merritt Island, FL
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