
Do you plan to paint the boat yourself with a 2 part Polyurethane or would you 
have it done professionally with AwlGrip or equivalent?  About 4 years ago, I 
painted my Royal Blue C&C 25 with 2 part Interlux Perfection in Mauritius Blue 
(almost black) and if I had to do it over again, I would have gone with a white 

Several reasons:

1.      As mentioned in other posts, the dark blue shows every scratch, 
imperfection, and blemish.  White, not so much

2.      The primer recommended for the Interlux 2 part paint is white, and the 
color coats are very thin, requiring multiple coats of paint (with appropriate 
prep work in between coats).  I think I put on 4 coats before the white paint 
was no longer revealing through the color coats.  Also, because the undercoats 
are white, any deep scratch will reveal as white, which really detracts from 
the looks of the boat.

3.      Salt Spray really shows if you don’t wash down the boat after sailing.


Painting using the Roll and Tip method is a two person job and is not a quick 
process.  Between having the proper weather windows, drying time, prep work 
before and after each coat, deciding to paint the boat myself cost me roughly 
half of our sailing season here in Massachusetts.  To get the painting surface 
perfectly smooth, it almost seems you paint the hull, then sand almost all the 
new paint off so as to not show roller or brush marks and then paint again.  
Sand, paint, repeat… The paint is extremely thin.

Make sure to practice on a vertical surface before you try painting your hull.  
It will be an eye opener for sure. If you have access to an enclosed area that 
could be somewhat temperature controlled, it would be much easier.  

I now understand why boat yards charge so much to Awlgrip a hull.


Chuck Gilchrest

Half Magic

1975 25 Mk 1 (SOLD!!!)


Half Magic

1983 LF 35



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Richard N. 
Bush via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 10:24 AM
Cc: Richard N. Bush <>  
Subject: Re: Stus-List Hull color inquiry


Dave's post reminded me...I am going to be in a situation where most or all of 
my hull may need repainting; (blemishes on hull from dock piling); so I began 
looking at other boats for ideas; I have always been enamored with the dark 
hulls, especially the Flag Blue ones like Dave Risch's boat; however, I have 
been warned by the local "experts" that they are difficult to maintain and show 
scratches way more than the lighter colors; also , that they are hotter in the 
summer...; so my question to those of you with darker much of the 
above is true? Would you go back with a darker color if you had the chance?  
Any other factors I am missing? Many thanks as always.... 



Richard N. Bush Law Offices 
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine
Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462 



-----Original Message-----
From: David via CnC-List < <>>
To: CNC CNC < <>>
Cc: David < <>>
Sent: Mon, Mar 28, 2016 9:48 am
Subject: Re: Stus-List Auto pilot installation

Same here.   Never had a need to change.

David F. Risch
1981 40-2
(401) 419-4650 (cell)



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