So I'm n the process of upgrading the electrical panel on Paws. DC is straightforward using the new 360 panel from Blue Sea (really nice stuff).
I do want to add a small inverter (~1000 watts) routed to the main panel. Yes I know it won't run air conditioning. So the plan is to route the AC out from the inverter to a DP breaker to a DP rotary source selector switch to the AC main panel. The problem is that every mid sized inverter I've seen (such as the Xantrex Pro series) wants to control everything via the transfer switch in the inverter. I don't want a $300 inverter to have that much control. Can you simply by-pass the built in transfer switch by not connecting the inverter "in" line? Feel free to tell me I'm an idiot. Already been flamed on CF. John Sent from my iPad _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: