I’m assuming a haul out over the winter months is a normal occurrence for you, so one is probably pretty safe in assuming the boat’s been painted with paint that is compatible with that (ablative). I believe a light sand or good scrub is needed to re-activate it prior to launch. Touching-up sounds like a good idea. After buying my boat and dealing with an engine rebuild it had been over 2 years since it was out, although I did have a diver scrub it down and check the zincs. Regardless it was nasty ... and I don’t think the PO had done a very good job the last time (actually he had a yard do it). So I took the plunge and did the complete strip (who knows how many coats were on it ... I think we counted 4 different colours). We used Franmar’s Soy–Strip. Then we fixed about a dozen blisters, redid the thru-hulls, pulled the shaft, new cutless bearing, new drippless stuffing box, fixed a crunched corner on the rudder, new fairing block for the depth transducer, did the epoxy barrier coat and of course new anti-fouling. Took us a month, while still working a full-time job. Whew! It’s nice to be able to plan ahead for those sorts of jobs. Peter Fell Sidney, BC Cygnet C&C 27 MkIII
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