I am trying to find the mfg. for the cockpit drain brass thru hulls on my 1975 30 MK1.
They are flush to the bottom of the hull and have a flange diameter of 3.5 inches and a 1.25 inch hole. I have tried Groco and Perko but neither has the correct size although they both have brass flush mount versions. Does anyone have a suggestion on where I might find the original replacement. I would hate to have to modify the hole or use epoxy to make a non-original thru hull fit. Thanks for any ideas on this..... Joe Zia - 1975 C&C 30 MK1 Annapolis _______________________________________________ Email address: CnC-List@cnc-list.com To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: http://cnc-list.com/mailman/listinfo/cnc-list_cnc-list.com