My new Quantum sails were designed in the local Annapolis loft and made in Sri 
Lanka.  I found this out only because I asked after touring the Annapolis loft. 
 They only do repairs locally.

Bob Boyer

Sent from my iPhone, Bob Boyer

> On Feb 25, 2016, at 11:52 AM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> So, your local loft had a complete sail delivered from somewhere?  They 
> didn't actually construct the sail?  I heard most of the biggies, Doyle, 
> North, Quantum, all actually assemble some of their sails off shore.
> Just wondering if that is what yours was.
> Danny
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Josh Muckley via CnC-List <>
> To: "C&C List" <>
> Cc: Josh Muckley <>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Got a New 135% Head Sail
> Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:37:39 -0500
> Just for the record, my local loft won't make a quote until they measure the 
> boat.  They won't make the order until %50 payment is received.
> Frustratingly, on my most recent purchase, they weren't allowed to take 
> delivery from the manufacturer until full payment was made.  I fully expected 
> to be able to keep %50 until delivery to me after a full inspection.  I 
> capitulated, made payment in full, and the sail was delivered.  Inspection 
> was satisfactory and now the loft is storing it free of charge.  It all 
> worked out.
> I will admit that sometimes it does feel a little bit like I'm just a small 
> fry and that I'm wasting their time.  A little part of me gets it though, 
> lookie loos and shoppers take time and don't make money.  So, in a way the 
> guy that has already opened his wallet has paid to be top priority.
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C 37+
> Solomons, MD
>> On Feb 25, 2016 9:59 AM, "Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List" 
>> <> wrote:
>> I purchased a Rolly Tasker 155 a couple of years ago for Suhana. It's a good 
>> sail but like the OP, I have nothing to compare it against except the 
>> original genoa which was deteriorating. So, leagues better than what I had. 
>> It was $1600 shipped to my door from Thailand and arrived two weeks after I 
>> placed the order. The local lofts all wanted about double for same/similar 
>> features and a lot more time.
>> Here's the rub and here's where I disagree with people on this list and 
>> others that tout the "support" and "cusomter service" of the local guys. I 
>> was treated better by the foreign sail loft. They answered my emails in a 
>> timely way, they were polite and interested. The locals, almost all of them, 
>> had a standoffish, almost arrogant attitude and they were slow to provide 
>> pricing and email replies. to me, that's terrible customer service. First 
>> and foremost, I want to be treated like a valued customer and that starts 
>> with the first hello, it doesn't start after I open my checkbook and they 
>> come out to my boat. 
>> No thanks.
>> Steve
>> Suhana, C&C 32
>> Toronto
>>> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Dennis C. via CnC-List 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> My last North 155 Mylar/Kevlar was made in Sri Lanka as was much of the 
>>> clothes hanging in our closets.  One of my sailing buddies retired from 
>>> Kellwood.  Kellwood, VF, and a few others make most clothing sold in the 
>>> US.  He frequently traveled to offshore Kellwood facilities.  He told me 
>>> the North Sails plant was next door to one of the Kellwood sites.
>>> Bottom line is he said the quality control systems in these offshore 
>>> facilities is as stringent as onshore plants.
>>> My local sail maker made me a 155 years ago.  We were in position for 3rd 
>>> in class in a regatta when the tack on the sail let go.  Seems he forgot to 
>>> sew on the web reinforcement through the tack ring.  He was on a nearby 
>>> boat and watched as the sail ripped 1/3 of the way up the luff tape.
>>> When we got back to the pier he came over and asked what happened.  I 
>>> reached in my pocket, pulled out the tack ring and handed it to him.  He 
>>> repaired it but it will always be a repaired sail.
>>> So much for Made in USA quality.
>>> Dennis C.
>>> Touche' 35-1 #83
>>> Mandeville, LA
>>>> On Feb 24, 2016 3:32 PM, "Danny Haughey via CnC-List" 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I just received my new head sail from Precision sail loft last night!  
>>>> I'll be unrolling it tonight to have a first look.  I took a chance to 
>>>> order online from this Canadian based company.  The sail was built in Sri 
>>>> Lanka from what I can tell.  I ordered the Challenge High Modulus Dacron.
>>>> My question is, what should I be looking for as I inspect the new sail?  I 
>>>> plan on comparing the old Rolly Tasker head sail and the relatively new 
>>>> seeming Main.  Other than that, I don't really know enough about sails to 
>>>> know if I got what I paid for.  I'll probably unroll it and snap a bunch 
>>>> of pics if anyone would be interested.
>>>> Thanks for any insights and advice you may be able to offer.
>>>> Danny
>>>> T40
>>>> Rum Runner IV
>>>> Mattapoisett, MA
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