Agree with Bill.  Guess it's the racer in me.  I want separate sheets so I
can change sails on the fly.  Don't want to go bald or have a set of sheets
for each headsail.  Soft shackles are the way to go.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 3:14 PM, <>

> Francis,
>  I will give you that is  simple, but with two sheets each attached by
> soft shackle you can remove lazy sheet and attach to a different sail prior
> to hoist if need be.
> Bill Walker
> Sent from my LG G Pad F™ 8.0, an AT&T 4G LTE tablet
> ------ Original message------
> *From: *Jean-Francois J Rivard via CnC-List
> *Date: *Wed, Feb 17, 2016 4:06 PM
> *To: *;
> *Cc: *Jean-Francois J Rivard;
> *Subject:*Stus-List Stus list Soft shackle
> If you're looking for the simplest / lightest/ most snagfree (And coolest
> in my book) way to attach your jib sheetsto your jib forget about the soft
> shackle /  2 lines jib sheet withbig bowline knots or splices to snag the
> spinnaker pole car  / track/ etc on its way across on a tack.
> My rigger just showed me this trick:
> 1) You just have one continuous linewith a whip in the middle
> 2) You make a loop at the whip and passit through the eye on the sail's
> clew
> 3) You put both ends of the line throughthe loop on the backside... Done.
> Most of should know this knot: It'scalled a luggage tag knot.
> That my friends is the simplest / sleekestway to go.  You combine that
> with a timed late release of the lazysheet, It doesn't snag anymore, even
> with the 150 in way too much wind:-)
> -Francois Rivard
> 1990 34+ "Take Five"
> Lake Lanier, GA
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